Juri is the SF series' best girl for sure
Juri is the SF series' best girl for sure
Gotta love these mentally unstable boyos
Don't you mean "Stream Cooldown"?
My favorite was Buttercup as a kid, which is pretty unsurprising considering she was a fan favorite. Now adays though, my favorite shifted towards Blossom because of her mature, admirable personality (and also red's my favorite color, so yeah)
Anyways, holy shit this is good— I really like your art style!
Thank you! My favorite was Bubbles (I got told I looked like her when I wore pigtails, and in my mind I liked to think I was cutesy like her, truth was I was a terror of a little bossy kid) nowadays my favorite has also shifted to Blossom funny enough
And for once, we're not watching through Pod 042
Beautiful little Delilah
Didn't know Kisame was such a chick magnet.
lol, I've been using Duolingo for months now, and not once did lewding the birb mascot cross my mind.
Not until now anyway ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For a split second, my eyes tricked me and I thought this was porn.
You're riding that fine line like a unicyclist on a tight rope, bud...
Some weirdo on the internet who enjoys drawing butts.
New York
Joined on 4/1/09